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Manual - Japan

Club Expenses


The Club Expenses screen lists all club expenses entered so far, for the current expenses period. The expenses period runs monthly from the day of the month defined in the Expenses Settings. The current expenses period is displayed in the top right corner of this screen.Expenses Settings

Each expense entry will show date, amount, tax, payment method and all other relevant data added when the expense was created.

Over to the right of each expense entry is a drop-down menu to allow:

  • Editing an Expense

    Allows the expense details to be edited, using the same form as was used to create the expense initially - see Add Expense for the layout.

  • Duplicating an Expense

    Creates a copy of the expense ready for further editing.

  • Deleting an Expense

    Simply deletes the selected expense entry from the Club Expenses screen


The Club Expenses function relies on the expenses date (described above) to be set - if no date has been defined, or it is deleted, the Club Expenses screens will display an error.