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Manual - Japan

Close Cash Register


Close Cash Register is intended to be used once at the end of a trading day. The option to close the register only appears on the Cash Register screen if the cash register drawer is already open.

When you close the cash register, a screen will slide in allowing you to enter the notes and coins that make up the current contents of the cash drawer. This screen is similar to the Recount window, as it displays the discrepancy totals for the day.

Enter the total for each type of note and coin - again the system will total each type, in addition to updating any discrepancy values. You may add a note if you wish, and once you are satisfied that all the totals have been entered correctly, click on the Close button.

As usual, a printable receipt is generated detailing the total, the date, time and staff member.

Closing the cash register will show as a 'Clear' entry on the cash register journal. It will also show the cash total you counted:


In just the same way as the Recount function, any discrepancy since the last count will also be recorded on the cash register journal:



The discrepancy recorded on the cash register screen is relative to the last count. This is not necessarily the same as the cumulative discrepancy since the cash register was first opened. You can view the cumulative discrepancy, if any, in the Closing Report for the day.