Welcome to the Membr.com fitness platform! Membr.com is entirely cloud-based and browser-based, meaning that there is nothing to download or install, and you can access all of its powerful features using just your web browser - all of your data is kept safely in the cloud too, so there is no 'local' data to save (or lose) either!
All you will need is a suitable username and password. You should have received this from either 1) the membr.com onboarding team, or 2) your gym's manager or software administrator.
The Membr.com platform uses the same URL for gym staff AND gym members; if you enter a staff login name and password, you will be taken to the Membr management software - if a gym user's name and password are entered instead, they will be taken to a separate gym users area instead.
Whoa, don't get this many buttons when you login?
Don't be alarmed - access to menu items is decided by the staff 'type' you use to login to the software with. Gym administrators see more (or different) features than gym receptionists see for example - this applies to features and buttons throughout the platform, so it might be that your screen doesn't exactly match what you see in a screenshot!
Whenever you do login (with a staff login), you will see a view similar to that shown above; the main navigation bar is always visible down the left-hand edge of the screen.
The various areas shown in the screenshot are:
Navigation Bar - selecting any of these icons will change the page content being displayed in the central area (left blank here).
Gym Selector
Search box
Create Support Ticket
Name of the logged-in user
Language Selector (Overrides the gym's default language for this user login)