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Manual - APAC



When you select Prospects from the Sales menu, you are taken to the sales dashboard/prospect calendar where you can see a summary of new prospects and sales, along with a calendar showing prospect visits and sales tasks.

From here you can click directly on a time slot in the calendar - this will either book-in a prospect visit or create a prospect task according to the choice you make in the popup box next. Use these to help you organise your prospect-related activity.

A prospect is literally anyone who has shown an interest in your gym, but who hasn't joined yet - a sales lead in other words.

Even if a potential member wants to signup in-club immediately, they must first be added as a special type of prospect - a Ready for Signup Prospect.

Click Add Prospect to register a new prospect.

Alternatively, you can click on View Allprospects to see a listing of all your existing prospects.